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Subject: , ISSeP, Project, Wallonia, Citizen, Microsensor

As you probably know, air pollution is the main environmental health risk in Europe. According to the new guidelines from the WHO (World Health Organization), 79%...

Subject: , ISSeP, Project, Wallonia, Citizen, Microsensor

Good news for Walloon citizens! is enhancing its services by now publishing data from air quality ministations, sourced from the Microcapteurs projects ...

Subject: , ISSeP, Project, Mobility, Citizen, Microsensor

Under the Walloon Environment-Health Plan, ISSeP has carried out a new study, called Étude Dynamique Intelligente du Trafic (EDIT, 2021-2023), with the objective of...

Subject: , ISSeP, Citizen, Microsensor

As part of the OIE project (Outdoor and Indoor Exposure,, residents of Liège carried out measurements of air...

Subject: , ISSeP, Wallonia, AwAC, Network

Two new reports are available in the "Publications" section: the 2022 annual report on the air quality monitoring networks in Wallonia; the 2022 - 2023 repo...

Subject: , Wallonia, Thematic study, Network

A preliminary analysis of ambient air quality results in Wallonia for 2023 is available in the "Publications" section (here). This report focuses on the three m...